Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Uganda and COVID

A little background-
At 35 years old, God called me to leave all I have in America, and move across the world to be a full time missionary in Uganda, Africa. He has very clearly revealed to me, over the last couple of years, over and over, that this will be a journey of a MINIMUM of 2 years, but I, in no way, feel like He's told me that is the MAXIMUM amount of time I'll be there. This is something He has been preparing me for my whole life, and even more-so in the last few years. God has stretched me, grown me, taught me, and provided for me in ways that I could never even imagine, and I have no doubt that where He is sending me, is fully His will and His call for my life. When I first felt the nudge of the Spirit to pursue full time missions, my heart was fully in Haiti and fully ready to commit to a life there. However, when I first went to Uganda in April of 2019, within a couple of days of being there, it was made clear that Uganda is where He was leading me. On the exact day that I got back to America from that trip, the final door to Haiti closed, and doors to Uganda began opening wider than any Haiti door ever did. God began putting people in my life who, little did I know, would fuel that fire with prayers and community beyond my wildest dreams, and He opened up so many opportunities for growth in Him. In November of 2019, on my second trip to Uganda, God clearly revealed to me 3 main missions He wanted me to be a part of while I'm living there.
     1. Pastor the pastors/Evangalism- Teach simple, correct, theology to pastors on the islands of Lake Victoria and unreached communities around Uganda. So many pastors in foreign countries like Uganda are swayed by New Age religion, By Faith teaching, and Prosperity Gospel; so teaching TRUTH, providing bibles in their native language, and facilitating pastoral conferences and community groups are much needed for witnessing the spread of the true Gospel to communities and villages that these pastors are teaching.
     2. Street kid ministry- Build relationships with the street kids in weekly and monthly gatherings, while providing food, clean water, and Gospel teaching. There are so many homeless street kids in Jinja who are in survival mode every moment of every day. These young boys are often feared and rejected among their own community. Our hope is to build relationships, grow them into disciples of the Lord, reintegrate them into functioning members of society, and show them love, which they rarely receive.
     3. Evangelism- Spreading the Gospel to unreached places, helping to create community and accountability, raising up leaders for God's kingdom growth, and distributing Bibles in their native language.
      I will also be helping with stocking of a small medical clinic on one of the islands where we have established relationships, and teaching basic medical care for things such as skin infections, wounds, malaria, fevers, basic hygiene skills to prevent spread of infection. I will be working with our partner there to make sure they are providing prayer and teaching to each person who comes for assistance. The clinic owner will be taught how to keep medical records for proof of medication use, for restocking supplies monthly, or as needed.

I have no doubt in my mind that God has opened this door. I have no doubt in my mind that God has called me to Uganda to be His hands and feet. I have no doubt that God has chosen me and prepared me for this and I am all in to whatever He leads me to, no matter what!

March 31, 2020- 
The day that I was supposed to load up my life in a couple of footlockers and a carry on, get on a plane, and move half way around the world to Uganda, Africa. The day that God has so beautifully been preparing me for, to "go" for Him. The day that my calendar stopped being filled with plans with friends, church events, and other obligations in America, because a new chapter was going to be starting in a whole new place, filled with new norms, and new plans. The day that I now sit here with tears filling my eyes because flights are cancelled, countries are shut down, quarantine measures are in place, and COVID-19 has taken over the world in an outbreak that my generation has never experienced. The day that once held joy, excitement, anticipation, expectation, and new beginnings, now holds sadness, isolation, unknowns, and heartache deep down in my soul.

I sit here and I pray and ask God, "What do I do now? What do I do here? What do you want me to see in this moment? I know what you specifically told me to do in Uganda, but now I'm still here and I'm numb and I'm lost and I'm confused and I'm hurting, what now?" I'm hurting for my friends who are healthcare workers, on the frontlines. The ones who are tired, worn down, exhausted. The ones who are afraid to kiss their children, hug their families, live in the same room as their spouse. I'm hurting for my friends who are running out of PPE, having to reuse the mask they've worn for days, reuse the gowns which we've always been told are for 1 time use only. I'm hurting for my friends who are picking up patients from their homes, not knowing what they're walking into, what they're being exposed to, what they'll take home to their families. I'm hurting for my friends who have small businesses. The ones who are struggling on a good day to get by, the ones who have literally poured their lives into serving others, having to sit back and watch the numbers book become imbalanced as we're told to stay home and not get out, and as they're told to close business because they're non-essential. I'm hurting for my friends who are the "essential workers"; manning businesses, delivering goods, working crazy hours to stock shelves, clean stores, and provide for America, as America panics and fears this virus. I'm hurting for my friends in Haiti and Uganda who are at the mercy of a corrupt government. The ones who are being told that they can't drive, can't leave home, can't afford to stock up on food like people have done here in America. The ones who are witnessing and experiencing physical violence on the streets, by the government police, for trying to get or sell food for their families. The ones who are now out of jobs due to country shutdown, and can't afford to provide food for their families, their children, or even theirselves. The ones who are rationing what little food they do have just to take the edge off the hunger pains, and pray for survival against starvation while this runs its course. All of this on top of the fear of the unknown of the virus and lack of medical care and closure of public transportation in their countries. I'm hurting for my missionary friends serving in these and other countries. The ones who know God has called them to stay and serve during this pandemic, and now they're questioning what they can do, how they can help, but also having to ask to be filled with wisdom and discernment in keeping safety within their own homes. But most of all, I'm hurting for the friends who don't know Jesus right now, the ones who think they can do this whole situation, alone. As I pray and question in my own heartache and pain of how this virus has personally affected me, I am reminded of the many others who are affected in a multitude of other ways. I mourn the division of countries across the world due to politics, religion, and economics, but I praise God for the beauty that he brings from ashes (Isaiah 61) and I trust that He will sustain us and provide for us globally in the middle of the storm when we lean into HIM and Him alone for answers and guidance (Isaiah 43:1-7; 2 Chronicles 7:13-14). I trust that He is in control, He doesn't give us the spirit of fear and anxiety, but He does promise us that He will always provide just what we need when we need it (Matthew 6:25-34).

Now what-
Now I wait. I wait with expectation for when He allows me to go, when His timing is right, whenever that may be. I wait with anticipation for the day I get to be on the ground in Uganda, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ with those who have never heard. I wait with joy, knowing that He has gone before me and He will never leave or forsake me in any storm, no matter how big or small it seems in the moment. I wait with an undeniable peace of the Lord deep in my soul, even though my heart aches today because I am here, in my room, in Tennessee and not boarding the plane to my new home in Uganda. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that God has called me to Uganda. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt He will open the doors and allow me to go when His timing is right. I KNOW that I have no idea the magnitude of things He is going to use me for while I'm there, but I do KNOW that it's going to be so much more than I could ever imagine. His timing is in the preparation and He already knew this all would happen before we did. I rest in His promises of Yes and Amen, and I trust that He will sustain and protect my friends who are essential in this earthly battle. I trust that He will provide for my friends in other countries, not as blessed with excess as we are here in America. And I trust that when this is all said and done, God's kingdom will have a magnitude of growth and joy abundantly, not only in healed bodies, but in healed souls from people turning to Him and Him alone for comfort in this journey, and for that I praise and rejoice in Him today.

Prayer requests-
* Please pray for our leaders Globally, nationally, locally. Pray for our church leaders, our healthcare and research leaders. Pray for our small business owners, our healthcare staff,  hospitals, and medical clinics. Pray for wisdom and discernment in the decisions they all have to make in this pandemic. Pray for endurance, rest, peace in all they're doing.

*Please pray for other countries such as Haiti and Uganda, and many others, who are affected at a completely different level than we are here in America.  Pray for their governments, for their safety, for their sustainability, their health.

*Please pray for one another. For lost souls to come to know Christ in the middle of this pandemic. Pray for there to be a great revival in Jesus name and for all Christians to be a light in the darkness of this world, regardless of denomination or culture.

And I pray for you, my sweet friends, Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."

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