Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Beautifully Busy

Time....There are moments that seem to last an eternity, and moments that seem to flee so quickly. Lately I feel like I've experienced the latter, here in Uganda. It has been about 3 weeks since I last updated, and so much has happened in that time. I'm sure there's many moments that I'll forget to add to the update, but God has definitely given me many special moments to experience and be a part of over this last 3 weeks. I have been in Uganda for 8 weeks now and I have experienced God's beautiful work in every single day. 

Since I last updated we finished our first full class of Following Jesus on Kembo Island. As I explained last time, there was so much to be taught and so much to be learned, but God moved in mighty ways. We had about 75 people each day who came and heard the word of God, learned about following Jesus, and learned how to disciple as Jesus commands us. About 45 of those attendees were Pastors and Ministers of the churches on the island, and many of them voiced over and over that this kind of teaching is not available on the islands. I'm so thankful for God choosing me to be his vessel to teach the simplicity of what our lives as Christ followers should look like. I witnessed and heard of many testimonies during our time on the island of how God was already changing the churches and communities in a short time. Since I've been back in Jinja, we have had pastors call to tell us of the mighty ways that God continues to move on Kembo Island. Praise God! Fun little tidbit I'm learning about African culture, when people appreciate the work you're doing, they send you home with live chickens, tons of fresh delicious fruits, beautiful homemade baskets, and so many beautiful memories. I'm in the process of getting a chicken coop built now, because my 3 island chickens aren't quite ready for eating yet! The people here love so beautifully and so well. I'm learning so much!

This week I started my next class of Following Jesus. We will be doing every other class on mainland in remote villages, so I'm currently working out of Tongolo, which is about 45 min from Jinja. Teaching pastors on the mainland vs on the islands are like 2 totally different worlds. The pastors on the islands have very limited knowledge and are just teaching what they have heard before or by storytelling. The pastors I'm currently working with seem to have a bit more knowledge, yet still are saying they're learning so much. We have been through 4 topics in 2 days, and there are about 50 attendees here, 40 being pastors or elders. I have had pastors on the island and even on mainland tell me that teaching something like this will be greatly beneficial because no one teaches discipleship and the basics. They've said more people come to plant churches and then leave, yet no one is teaching them how to teach. It's very humbling and eye opening and God continues to grow me and help me as he's working in these pastors. 

Last week I took a 3 day respite to the rainforest after finishing the first FJ class. Between teaching and staying on the islands and being with the street kids when I'm back in Jinja, I have been pouring out nonstop since I arrived, so I needed some peace and quiet in nature with the Lord to be refueled. (There's never peace nor quiet where I live). It was a beautiful rejuvenating time with God, where I so clearly heard from him and spent intentional quiet time with him. I came back refreshed and ready to take on the next couple of months. While I was there I went exploring in the rainforest 2 different days and also saw my first, and hopefully my LAST, Black Mamba....for those of you who don't know, definitely not a snake you want to encounter EVER! He was about 3 feet away from my guide and I, and Wilford, my guide, gave me strict instruction to not move or speak until it left or it would strike at us. I'm pretty sure he could feel my heartbeat through my toes vibrating into the ground though. But God protected us, he went on his way, and so did we! I loved watching the monkeys playing around and just hearing the sweet noises of God's creation. It was for sure a time of rest and rejuvenation as I had hoped for.

God is moving in mighty ways with my street kids. I have about 15 now who are very consistent in coming to learn, ask for jobs, and just hang out any time. Then I have about 10 more who are fairly consistent with church and bible study. God continues to bring more boys to me and it makes my heart so happy. Last week, after my time in the rainforest, I bought pizza for 10 of the boys who have been doing so amazing and have been with me since I got here. When I got back into Jinja I immediately went to the spot where some of them hang out, I gave them a list of the boys I wanted them to find, and told them to meet me at the church in 2 hours. When they arrived and I was telling them about how proud of them I was, how much I love them, and what we were meeting for, they were so full of joy, laughter, and dancing. It was so amazing to be there to witness the happiness and love that they felt, thanks to you who help make all of this possible! I spent all of Wed, Thurs, and Fri just hanging out with 10 of them, getting to know them more, answering questions, asking questions, and just being intentional with relationships with them. It really did all of our hearts good. I have no doubt in my mind that God has me right here, right now, for these boys! I love them so much! One of them asked to go with me for the Following Jesus teaching this week, and since he's been doing so well I allowed him to travel with us. He was so excited at the end of both days to tell me all he learned and how he wanted to tell others! Praise God! One of the visions I had during my respite was that one day some of the street kids will be helping to translate and even lead some of these teachings, and that, my friends, is beautiful to me! One of my sweet little friends came to me last Friday morning wounded and in much pain. He was asleep at night and the police found him, and beat him with a bicycle lock. He had many lashes on his back and arm, and was hurting so bad. They beat him and took his clothes I had just bought him the week prior, just because he's living on the street. It's so sad to me that this is a common occurrence, and even more affirmation of the reason I'm here.  I can't take all of them off the street, as much as I wish I could, but in the next month or 2 I have several who I'll be seeking sponsors for, for schooling (trade school), possibly housing, and job training. The ones who are trying so hard will definitely be the change for the rest of them. They're already coming with new friends because they see and feel the love of Jesus and it's radiating so brightly through them to others.  Last week I had one of the boys tell me "Auntie, I used to be a very mean person. I punched everyone who made me annoyed. Since you came here, and you love me so much, I don't want to punch anyone!" I give glory to God for that revelation in my friend Moses! God is working in mighty ways for sure! I do have so many stories, but actually seeing the change in these boys is beautiful. People at the church, people on the streets, people in this community see the change. God is working. 

I'm so blessed and excited to be on this journey. Are there hard days? Absolutely. Are there sad days? Absolutely. Are there days that Uganda is too much and I need to hide at my home in my hammock. Absolutely. But God is working, God is sustaining, God is moving....and it's always so beautifully busy here. I'm still trying to learn market business and how to not get stressed out every time I go, because the prices are elevated since I'm a Mzungu. I'm still trying to learn culture, language, and how to give grace with African time vs Mzungu time. But God is helping me with all of it. It feels like home here, in a way I didn't expect. Things take time, effort, and intentionality, but I'm learning and growing because of it. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. 

Prayer requests:

-Prayers for this country. The president will be speaking in the next day or so, as he's considering shutting down things in the country, and possibly the whole country again due to covid. Numbers in certain regions are rising again, however no one acts like it's around, where I am. It's a whole situation, as it is in America, but when the country shuts down here, it's total lockdown with military and police control, and these beautiful people have not even recovered from the big lockdown last year.

-Prayers for Thomas and Mary and their 2 kids, Reuben and Stella. Thomas and Mary help so much with this ministry and they're the most amazing Ugandan's I've ever met. They have all been getting sick a lot recently, so prayers for health and protection.

-Prayers for wisdom in next steps with the street kids and who/where to help and how.

-Prayers for protection and safety of my boys. Police corruption and abuse is horrible and they literally go to sleep at night hoping and praying tonight is not the night the police find them. 

-Prayers as we continue teaching Following Jesus, for pastors to continue to be open and receptive and excited to teach the basics to their churches. 

-Prayers for community and church connection for me here. I'm having a hard time at the church I've been going to (Ugandan churches are very loud and I feel like I'm just being screamed at all the time, as well as the translating overlapping while screaming, frequently makes it hard for me to understand anything.) I am pouring out non stop and need to find the balance of being poured into as well. (When the wifi is actually working I can watch my home church online, but it's been very inconsistent since I've been here)

May God bless you friends,




  1. Thanks for the update! I loved reading all the great things happening!

  2. I love who you are. There are so many people who need God and not enough people to bring God to them. You are brave, devout, and beautiful. So glad you are sharing that is such a meaningful way. I look forward to your words as you share this marvelous journey. You make me smile each time I read your update and proud to know I believe in the same God.

  3. Thank you for the update. I give thanks and praise for you allowing God to make you a vessel and a offering to the people of Uganda. May God continue to lift you up and show you His way. Love you Tara
    James Adkins

  4. The Lord is using you to do great things. God bless you and I will continue to pray for God’s Hope to shine!


New Year, Same vision

It's been a while since I sat down to write a blog again, a year to be exact. A year that has flown by in so many ways. A year of joy, h...