Wednesday, March 2, 2022

".....With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible" Matt 19:26

It seems to get harder and harder to write these updates. Not because I don't have things to update about, but because I have so much to update each time and I can't even put most of it into words. God is doing AMAZING things here in Uganda and I'm just blown away daily that I even get to be a speck in HIS greater plan here. 

Daily life is BUSY. There's always something going on with the boys, the ministry, trying to get stuff in line for the government, someone sick, and living the Uganda life in Uganda pace (which is not my favorite pace for sure). We have grown to about 150 boys now coming and going and over 100 of those are consistent with bible study. PRAISE GOD! 

Let me try to recall some of the amazing things God is doing here since the last update. We finished another Following Jesus class with 25 pastors, in January. One of the moves in the ministry this year is for me to step back from leading everything and start delegating to others that we have trained and witnessed good character and teaching from. Following Jesus is now headed up and led by Thomas, my right hand man, with 1-2 other pastors we've trained, so that I can remain with the boys at bible study and with their needs, since that aspect of ministry has grown so large so quickly. Thomas and the team did an amazing job and the pastors said they learned so much. They had so many questions and really wanted to know truth to teach truth. On the last day of class, Thomas came home with a goat that was given as an appreciation gift. That's a really high honor here in Uganda! Gus the goat is now growing fat and happy at the boys house, waiting on his turn to be a celebratory dinner. 

While this class was going on, I was in and out of the hospital with Hassan, one of the street kids. He had a complex medical issue that he came to me with, and after a week of trying to treat without surgery, we decided surgery was going to be the best option. Hassan had a fairly uncomplicated surgery early in January and we had to stay in the hospital overnight. After surgery he stayed at the boys house for 3 weeks while he recovered, and now is fully recovered and back to his schooling, where he's learning carpentry. When Hassan was waking up, he wouldn't let go of my hand and kept crying for me to not leave him. These sweet boys drive me crazy sometimes, but they're so loving and gentle at other times.  I'm so thankful to have found a Doctor and medical team who listens and works so well with me and my boys. They take such good care of us and always give us the best they have to offer. Praise God for Dr Derreck and his staff. 

At the end of January we had another team from my home church come to join us for ministry. I am so thankful for a church who loves Jesus and loves serving. Each time we've had a team, God has moved mountains and there was no exception to that this time. We went to an island in Lake Victoria to do evangelism, about a 6 hour boat ride away, but luckily we found a better option by driving to a closer dock, saving us some lake time. We had a rough ride to the island on the water, due to a bad storm and strong waves, so that 1.5 hours was better than the 6 it would have taken us. Those wooden boats are a little scary on an angry lake. We found at this island there were many born again Christians, and a well established church that seemed to be teaching and modeling Jesus. However, there was still much darkness and evil on the island, much like we encounter on most islands. My evangelism partner, Jordan,  and I just happened  to be pulled into multiple bars on the island to talk about Jesus. All would listen, some were receptive, and some were argumentative, but one thing blew me away. Not much surprises me here anymore, but I still see this sweet little girl in my head sometimes. As we were sharing the gospel to a bar owner, 3 men walked in, one carrying his little girl on his hip. The 3 proceeded to pull out their 2 gallon bucket of homemade alcohol, put in each of their 3 foot long straws and begin drinking. They were still conversing with us and asking questions, however at one point Jordan and I looked up and the sweet little toddler girl had the drinking straw in her mouth, drinking alcohol. Jordan and I proceeded to talk to the father about the horrible effects of a 3 year old drinking alcohol, as well as the addictions and development issues it can cause. He finally took the straw from her mouth, and she staggered over to myself and Jordan, knelt before us and greeted us, and then snuggled in my lap for the remainder of the time we were there. At 3 years old, this sweet baby was drunk. I felt myself getting angry at the father and at God. I mean how could either of them allow a 3 year old to be put into this situation and be drunk. It obviously wasn't her first time, because she enjoyed it, so why has this been continuing? And for how long had it been going on? As I was praying for God to stop my tongue from saying what my head was wanting to release to the father, I felt Him tell me to invite the men to the church service we were starting at the local church just 30 minutes later. After a long conversation about how God wanted them to come and convincing them to come despite the fact they were drunk, Jordan and I left, with tears in our eyes at what we had just witnessed. We went to church, not knowing what would happen to the little girl, or her father for that matter. After service was over, our whole team was up front praying for people and I hear non stop screaming and look over to see my brother praying with the father of the little girl who was screaming. It was the sweet baby and her dad we had invited to church! I held my arms out to the girl and she immediately calmed. We went outside and I just prayed over her and cried begging God to change the path that her life was taking. I yelled at him for allowing her to be in this situation and to be drunk at just 3 years old. And she just snuggled on my shoulder and patted my back. A few minutes later my brother came outside with the dad. He told me that the dad had decided to give his life to Christ and wanted to start over. He said he never wanted his daughter to have alcohol again and he promised a new life from that moment on. Praise GOD! I still think about that sweet babe, and I still pray that her father truly surrendered that night. 

The team also got to witness 3 different bible studies with the street kids while they were here. It's so cool seeing the various stages of growth and change. Some of the team had been here before and only saw the worst of the worst street kids. So for them it was a huge change. They got to share the word of God with the boys, share a meal with them, and then on Friday play soccer with all of the boys (those in the program and even ones who aren't). They also did evangelism in a village outside of town and were able to speak to so many about Jesus and what it's like to be a Christ follower. We had amazing times of fellowship, laughter, tears, and growth. I'm so thankful for these teams and what God has laid on their hearts. 

Each time we have a team, our bible study numbers increase. While the teams are here we have a street kid day, where we invite all of the street kids, ones in the program and ones who are not, to gather at the local soccer field and hear the gospel, play games, and then we feed them a nutritious meal. These days can be quite chaotic, but it's sort of a controlled chaos at this point, thanks to the help of the boys who are in the program! In November, after the team left we had to start a new bible study group because so many showed up, and this time we just added boys to each of the 3 established groups. We had about 50 new boys come the first week, but after hearing rules/punishment for not following rules, only 30 have been coming back consistently. We are busting at the seams at the house we're renting for the project, but man God is GOOD! I can't believe just how fast and how much this ministry has grown. I have been here almost a year, and it's been a whirlwind and a rollercoaster, but looking back on everything that has happened brings me to my knees in awe of God. 

As of January we have 26 boys in either primary school, secondary school, on the job training, or now have start up businesses. PRAISE GOD! We have 30 boys with rooms or back in the village so they are no longer sleeping on the street. PRAISE GOD! And as God provides we will get more boys in school and more boys places to stay. In order to get a room or earn the opportunity for jobs/school, the boys have to come consistently to bible study and church and they have to show us that they have stopped drugs and have positive character changes for a consistent period. Many want the opportunity but aren't willing to change to earn it. But, as they see their friends changing and earning the rewards that are promised, they begin to want to change too. We have to be very strict to teach them responsibility and respect, 2 things they've never really had to learn, living on the streets. God is moving, friends! He's doing amazing things here and I'm humbled to be a first hand witness to it all! 

Like I said earlier, this year one of the moves in the ministry was to get Thomas heading up Following Jesus so I could keep focus on the boys and teams when they come. We now have boys leading each bible study. (Thomas and I are there to make sure that truth is being taught, but God is raising up some amazing leaders in these boys!) I have also learned in this 11 months of non-stop intense ministry that I have to be intentional with finding ways to be filled up spiritually and rested both mentally and physically. Some of those things have been forced on me, like this last weekend when I had horrible strep with fevers of 103/104 for 4 days, and some of those things have been hard to find. I've learned that about every 3 months I have to leave Jinja for 2-3 days so I have peace and quiet with the Lord away from the distractions and constant need. I've learned that community is hard and ugly and sweet and needed. I have 2 super sweet friends here who I dearly cherish, where I can go to be spiritually fed and emotionally vulnerable. I joined a bible study that I really enjoy the content of a few weeks ago, and it's been amazing seeing God open my eyes to His word. And about a little over a month ago a lady from Germany started a spin class that over looks the lake, and that's my stress relief I've been missing. God is good all the time! On the hard days, he's there. On the good days, he's there. On the crappy days, he never leaves me. God is moving mountains here in mighty ways. Every day I wake up I just ask him to prepare me for the next thing because otherwise it becomes a blur. I'm so thankful for the couple who help me so much. I'm so thankful for my 2 Mzungu friends who help me navigate some things since they've been here longer. I'm so thankful for the strength He gives me to endure and sustain. With God All things are possible. This time last year, Uganda still seemed so far away. But now, Uganda is home. These boys are my family. This life is right where I'm supposed to be! Praise God!

Prayer requests:

-Thomas and Mary are expecting their 3rd child and Mary has been pretty sick and unable to function like she was before. Prayers for healing and healthy baby and mama!

-Wisdom in the growth. Where to go as we are growing too fast for our current location. Discernment in maintaining control and rules with boys. How to delegate better. What's next

-Continued ways for me to be spiritually fed and grow as I pour out so much daily.

God bless you my friends, 


1 comment:

  1. Continued prayers for you and your ministry! All my love! <3


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