"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here I am! Send me!'" Isaiah 6:8
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Death is defeated...the King is ALIVE
Monday, August 2, 2021
Breaking Chains and Moving Mountains
As I sit here typing this update, Uganda has once again extended lockdown for another 60 days. Even though the number of Covid cases have drastically decreased, and are almost now none, the president is following suit of last year, and maintaining lockdown as long as he can. There are a few positive changes from the last lockdown, though, including the following;
-You can now drive private vehicles with no more than 3 people in a car and can cross district borders.
-Bodas (motorcycles) can have 1 passenger now as long as the driver and passenger are masked.
-Public transportation on taxi or bus can operate at 50% capacity following SOP guidelines.
-Some shops can now reopen with SOP restrictions.
Then the continued negatives: Churches, schools, gyms, and select other market stores are still closed for another 60 days, and you can not gather in groups of more than 20.
None of the reasoning behind it makes sense, and the restrictions are killing more people in this country than the virus itself, because they can't afford food or medical care if they can't work. Only God can protect them, and we praise Him for His mighty hand on this country during this season.
As locked down as we have been around here, I feel like I'm still going non-stop with the street kids. The second I walk out of my house I have a swarm of boys around me. The need is huge, but the change in many of them is greater. We've been able to give 2 rounds of food bags to 75 boys during the first lockdown, provide some with extra toiletry items, and give them a safe place to rest during the day. I see God every day moving in mighty ways and I'm so blessed to be witnessing it all happen first hand. I see gentleness and love abounding. I see grace and mercy restoring lives. And I see God changing them slowly in some ways and quickly in others. It's beautiful watching a new testimony unfold in their lives.
I was able to rent a compound with a house at the beginning of July for the street kids day programs. This is a place where we are able to meet and have bible study, as well as a place for the boys to come wash clothes, bathe, and just rest during the day. I have 2 boys living there full time who are maintaining the grounds, being my security, and taking care of things when I'm not there. These 2 have been put through many tests to earn this privilege and they are taking such pride in the new responsibilities they have. They are both so humble and thankful for everything and continue to do anything and everything I ask of them. They have been such huge assets to this program and I'm so very thankful for them. Due to government restrictions and lack of CBO/NGO status I can not house more boys there, but Lord willing, one day we will have a home that can be that place of respite away from the streets for them. God is changing this community and He's providing more than I could ever imagine.
Since we got the house our bible study groups have grown drastically. Due to lockdown restrictions on gatherings, I have 2 days of bible study now, with 20-25 boys each day, and I will be soon adding a 3rd day. Until about a month ago I had 10 boys who consistently came to bible study. God is moving and other boys are seeing the change of Jesus in the core 10, and they want to know more. I have seen such a growth and change in these boys in just a short time and I can't wait to see how God continues to use them and grow them. Yes, there have been issues, and setbacks with a few of them, but at the end of the day they're still street kids who have not ever had guidance, rules, and love. God is working in them, and even when there's an incident, God convicts them and they are able to see His abounding love in the middle of the consequences. These boys are not only learning responsibility and respect, most importantly they are learning about God and they are allowing Him to change them. Praise God!
A few weeks ago I had my first Ugandan hospital experience. As we were getting ready for bible study one day, a boda came to the gate with one of my boys and he collapsed off the boda onto the driveway. He was complaining of severe stomach pain and was very clammy. After after doing some quick assessments on him it was clear he had appendicitis. I loaded him in the car and we went to one of the local hospitals where we stayed for 3 days and 4 nights. They did surgery the 2nd day and oh what an experience we had. I'm so thankful for the medical knowledge that God has given me and how He's allowed me so many amazing medical experiences through the years, for such a time as this. Moses is now back to his usual self and doing wonderful. Praise God!
Last week I had some sweet visitors here as a team and we had such a special time together here in Uganda. From our own worship nights, to morning devotionals, missions and bible studies with the street kids, and respite care for me, my cup overflowed with an abundance of love and joy. We were able to spend some sweet time with the boys, enjoy some amazing Rolex's (not a watch, delicious Ugandan food!) have 2 great bible studies with the boys, and give them a couple of extra little treats. I'm so thankful for the amazing family in Christ that God has given me. I'm so thankful for the support emotionally, spiritually, and financially that he continues to give me every day. God is so so good and every single day He reminds me of the path he has me on, being guided by him alone. I have no doubt I'm right where I'm supposed to be, at the time he wants me here. I'm constantly blown away that I get to be a part of this journey. God is so good!
This lockdown has been hard in some ways, and amazing in others. Since I can't teach Following Jesus right now due to gathering restrictions, I've been able to spend all of my time as intentional time with the street kids. I've been able to meet with them 1:1, hear their stories and get to know them more. They've let me in a part of their lives that's vulnerable and distant, but they're trusting me and opening up more and more. I thank God so much for this sweet time with them. I love hearing their stories and learning why and how they came to the street and how they want to change and be different. Some have families still, who were once abusive and broken, but they want to go and visit them to show them their change in Christ. Some lost both parents or grandparents and have no one to go home to. Today as I sat just talking and hanging out with 6 boys, they began opening up about other past street kid organizations here in Jinja. Each of them had been a part of 1 or more of the ones they were talking about and it broke my heart hearing the stories of how it became more about money than actually helping. Thomas, my right hand man here in Uganda, and I just listened to the years of built up pain and anger towards the people who said they were there to help, however didn't follow through with what they said. It made these boys hesitate and be resistant to new faces and new organizations. A good ways into the conversation, one of the boys who's been with me since the beginning, asked Thomas to translate for me. He said that with the other organizations he had been with the boys couldn't even talk to the person in charge, it wasn't allowed. He talked about how none of this gathering would be happening and he would never know the person behind the desk. Then he spoke about how grateful he was for truly being accepted and loved. How this time it's different. We reminded him that none of this is me and none of this is Thomas. This is only by the grace of God, who knew even before we were born the plans that He had for our lives. I'm so grateful and thankful to be a part of these boys lives. If you would have told me even 4 years ago I'd be living in Uganda surrounded by street kids I would have thought you were crazy. But now, here I am, living my best Ugandan life, learning the culture, the language, and the ways of the land, surrounded by some of the most amazing, loving boys, who just needed to feel the presence of Jesus in their lives. Thank you Lord for all that you've done to bring me here. The years of ups and downs, the years of seemingly random experiences and tasks, all of which led me to this point.
I feel like so much happens every day, yet so much of it I can't even put into words. All I can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, is that God is moving. God is moving mountains in these boys hearts and minds every day. I see patience and peace. I see laughter and joy. I see kindness and gentleness. I see Jesus changing hearts in mighty ways. I see boys reading the bible in their free time. I see boys discussing what they've read, asking questions at bible study, and asking for scripture to read at night. I see Jesus here in Uganda more and more every day. I see change. I see hope. I see healing and restoration. Every day I witness God's goodness and grace abounding in these boys. God you are so so good. I praise you for all that you have done and all that is to come.
This week I will be looking for 2 more rooms for the next 4 boys who are on the list to earn them. Along with the rooms I get mattresses, sheets, washing basins, soap, a charcoal stove, saucepans, and mosquito nets, as well as some basic hygiene items. I currently have a 3 month rule with consistency and the ones who truly want to change, wait patiently (for the most part). God is moving friends. This will make 18 boys who are now not living on the streets. Praise God!
......Prayer Requests.....
-Continued wisdom and discernment in this program with the street kids and in this lockdown as I navigate things
-Continued prayers for Uganda as a whole as we enter this next 60 days of lockdown
-Prayers for Thomas and Mary, who help me so very much. Health, safety, and protection
-Prayers for continued heart change in both the boys and in the communities around us.
-Prayers for prepared hearts and minds of the team who will be joining me in 2 weeks, as a few of them will be entering Uganda for the first time
God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good!
God Bless you my friends,
New Year, Same vision
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Hello friends! I am so happy to be writing this current update from my new home in UGANDA! I arrived here on April 8th with 2 of my brothers...
As I sit here typing this update, Uganda has once again extended lockdown for another 60 days. Even though the number of Covid cases have dr...
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